Fast Fourier transform in J
In the previous post we discussed the discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Its J implementation was pretty straightforward, and the program looked almost identical to its mathematical definition. In this post, I want to explore how to implement fast Fourier transform (FFT), a recursively defined version of DFT that reduces algorithmic complexity from $O(n^2)$ to $O(N\log{N})$.
Recall the DFT formula from the previous post
I use a slightly different notation here to make recursive definition easier to understand.
We assume that N is a power of 2. Using basic arithmetic and properties of complex exponentials, we can derive the formula for the DFT of order 2N in terms of two DFTs of order N
where $m=0,\dots,N-1$. The base case, when $N=1$, is
i.e. the identity function.
Let’s express the FFT algorithm in words. If $N=1$ then the fft
function is just the identity function (]
in J). Overwise, it’s a function involving a recursive call on an input vector of half the length. Here is the same phrase written in J
fft=: something_recursive_here ` ] @. (1 = #)
If $N>1$, we split the input vector into two vectors by even and odd indices. We apply FFT recursively to each of these vectors. We multiply the first output vector by 1 and the second one by $e^{-\pi im/N}$. Then, we find the sum and difference of the result vectors, and concatenate them. That should be it.
Let’s start with the split function. To split a vector by even and odd indices in J, we can split it by groups of two elements, stack the groups on top of each other making an $N\times2$ matrix, then transpose it to get $2\times N$ matrix, which gives us the two vectors we need. Here is the implementation of the split function
spl=: |:@(_2 ]\ ])
and here is an example of applying this function to a range vector
spl 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 2 4 6
1 3 5 7
The next step is the function $e^{-\pi im/N}$. We implement it in two steps: first, scalar $\omega=e^{\pi i/N}$, then vector $\boldsymbol\omega=\omega^{-m}$. The implementation is analogous to the one from the previous post, with the difference of $\pi i/N$ instead of $2\pi i/N$, and vector $\boldsymbol\omega$ instead of matrix $\Omega$
omg=: ^@o.@(0j1&%)
omv=: omg ^ -@i.
The new matrix $\Omega$ is build by stacking a unit vector $[1,\dots,1]$ of length N on top of the vector $\boldsymbol\omega$
Omg=: 1 ,: omv
Here is an example of its application to $N=4$
Omg 4
1 1 1 1
1 0.707107j_0.707107 2.22045e_16j_1 _0.707107j_0.707107
Now we can go back to the fft
function and add some code to the something_recursive_here
fft=: final_piece_here@(Omg@#@{. * $:"1)@spl ` ] @. (1 = #)
means the fft
function is recursively applied to every row of its input matrix (which is the result of the spl
function above). Omg@#@{.
means: take the first row of the input matrix, get the length of it, and pass it to the Omg
is then what we described above as “find the sum and difference of the result vectors, and concatenate them”. In J it’s implemented as the fork +/ , -/
. Now we have all the pieces in place, and the final program is
spl=: |:@(_2 ]\ ])
omg=: ^@o.@(0j1&%)
omv=: omg ^ -@i.
Omg=: 1 ,: omv
fft=: (+/ , -/)@(Omg@#@{. * $:"1)@spl ` ] @. (1 = #)