RabbitMQ is an open-source implementation of AMQP. If you don’t know what AMQP is, I encourage you to read about it on the official web site or the reference page. What I personally like in RabbitMQ/AMQP is

  • AMQP is a free alternative to expensive TIBCO Randezvous.
  • Functionality-wise AMQP is a superset of JMS.
  • RabbitMQ is written in Erlang, which means fault-tolerance and reliability.

In this short blog entry I show how to install RabbitMQ on a *nix box, and verify that it’s working with a simple Groovy client.

Installing RabbitMQ server

Before installing RabbitMQ make sure you have Erlang environment set up. Run the following command and verify the output

$ erl -version
Erlang (ASYNC_THREADS,HIPE) (BEAM) emulator version 5.10.1

I used to install RabbitMQ using apt-get command, which is convenient but always several versions behind. That’s why I switched to binary distribution installation. So here are the installation steps

$ sudo mkdir /opt/rabbitmq
$ sudo chown -R rabbitmq /opt/rabbitmq
$ cd /opt/rabbitmq
$ wget http://www.rabbitmq.com/releases/rabbitmq-server/v3.1.1/rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.1.1.tar.gz
$ tar xf rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.1.1.tar.gz
$ rm rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-3.1.1.tar.gz
$ ln -s rabbitmq_server-3.1.1 rabbitmq

Append the following lines to ~/.bashrc


Enable web admin plugin

$ rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

Run the following command to verify server is starting

$ rabbitmq-server

              RabbitMQ 3.1.1. Copyright (C) 2007-2013 VMware, Inc.
  ##  ##      Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/
  ##  ##
  ##########  Logs: /opt/rabbitmq/rabbitmq/sbin/../var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@beta.log
  ######  ##        /opt/rabbitmq/rabbitmq/sbin/../var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@beta-sasl.log
              Starting broker... completed with 6 plugins.

Go to localhost:15672 in the browser. You should be able to login as guest/guest.

Groovy client

Groovy client is essentially Java client written in Groovy language. Here are the scripts for consumer and publisher in Groovy

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import com.rabbitmq.client.*
@Grab(group='com.rabbitmq', module='amqp-client', version='3.1.0')
factory = new ConnectionFactory([
username: 'guest',
password: 'guest',
virtualHost: '/',
requestedHeartbeat: 0
conn = factory.newConnection(new Address('localhost', 5672))
channel = conn.createChannel()
queueName = 'myQueue'
channel.queueDeclare queueName, false, true, true, [:]
channel.queueBind queueName, 'amq.fanout', 'myRoutingKey'
def consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel)
channel.basicConsume queueName, false, consumer
while (true) {
delivery = consumer.nextDelivery()
println "Received message: ${new String(delivery.body)}"
channel.basicAck delivery.envelope.deliveryTag, false
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import com.rabbitmq.client.*
@Grab(group='com.rabbitmq', module='amqp-client', version='3.1.0')
factory = new ConnectionFactory([
username: 'guest',
password: 'guest',
virtualHost: '/',
requestedHeartbeat: 0
conn = factory.newConnection(new Address('localhost', 5672))
channel = conn.createChannel()
channel.basicPublish 'amq.fanout', 'myRoutingKey', null, "Hello, world!".bytes

Run consumer script in one terminal window

$ chmod 755 consumer.groovy
$ ./consumer.groovy

and publisher script in another

$ chmod 755 publisher.groovy
$ ./publisher.groovy

On the consumer window you should see Received message: Hello, world! text.

Now you just need to stop RabbitMQ server, and restart it in detached mode

$ sudo -u rabbitmq rabbitmq-server -detached